Turn Up the Volume – Let’s Roll!

Vergiss den Sonntagsblues – hier kommen die Sonntagsgewinne! Melde dich jedes Wochenende bei Casinovice an und sichere dir deinen 💥 Wochenend-Reload-Bonus 💥

✅ How to Qualify:

Deposit and play Tuesday to Thursday and grab your weekend reload bonus!

Here's how it works:

🎯 Deposit up to €50 Tuesday to Thursday: → Secure 25% up to €50

🎯 Deposit over €50, up to €100 Tuesday to Thursday: → Secure 50% up to €100

🎯 Deposit over €100 Tuesday to Thursday: → Secure 50% up to €200

Login again from Friday and find your secured weekend reload bonus in your account!

⁠*General bonus terms & conditions apply⁠